Bitcoin mining has come under scrutiny of late because it uses so much energy. In short, it’s not eco-friendly. However, reports have shown that there are alternatives. As you consider investing, learn what your options are and review what’s going on in the cryptocurrency world so that you can do things right.

Bitcoin Mining Affects Everyone

According to Forbes, Bitcoin mining can generate enough energy to put 40 million more tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. That kind of energy changes the native climate. It also causes unpredictable weather patterns, dirties the air, and much more. In much the same way that you would buy recycled bags for grocery shopping, you should look for eco-friendly methods of Bitcoin mining.

Making Bitcoin Mining Better for Everyone

A process highlighted in the news recently features a former mining engineer who converts coal waste into energy. With that energy, he powers computers that seek to validate Bitcoin transactions and build wealth. By using a waste product to power the operation, Bill Spence is protecting the environment while also participating in the marketplace.

A similar scheme is at work in Canada. The city of North Vancouver has reached an agreement the cryptocurrency mining outfit Mintgreen. As part of the agreement, Mintgreen will use energy created by the Bitcoin mining process to supply heat to the city in the winter. Learn more here.

Invest With Wisdom

What all this means to the investor is that they can go green. invest in companies that do things right. Look into alternatives. You can try Bitcoin mining that protects the environment. Plus, you should be inspired to take steps of your own.

You can:

  • Use recycled shopping bags
  • Stop using plastic bags
  • Avoid single-use plastics
  • Compost
  • Make your business more eco-friendly

Order Today

Remember, you can work to change the world one investment at a time. Plus, you can make one of those investments in reusable products. You can also check out Custom Earth Promos for a range of promotional products, recycled bags, reusable totes, accessories, and more. Order today to get in on the action and help make the planet a little healthier.