We all know the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. But since recycling is one of the easiest ways to go green and reduce your waste, we thought we'd focus our attention on the other two Rs this time. These eco-friendly tips and tricks will help you learn to invest in reusable items and reduce your waste – ultimately helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Eliminate Junk Mail

Each year, a staggering one million trees are cut down for the production of paper used for junk mail and over 40 percent of that mail is sent to the landfills unopened. On top of that, the production and distribution of junk mail releases an amount of CO2 that's comparable to the amount 9 million cars release per year.

Luckily, there are several outlets that can help you reduce or even eliminate this unnecessary waste. CatalogChoice and PaperKarma are just two examples of organizations that can help you cut back on junk mail as well as a number of trees being used to produce junk mail. It's a win win for the environment and your cluttered mailbox.

Reuse Everyday Products 

Plastic ice cream containers, the bag from a loaf of bread, jam jars, and a resealable bag that you normally toss out can all easily be reused. Of course, it's better if you can avoid groceries and products that are wrapped in single-use materials but if you have to buy it, see how you can reuse or repurpose it. You can also look out for products that are packaged in recycled materials.

When it comes to reusable products that you have more control over, we recommend investing in everyday reusable items such as reusable bags and stainless steel water bottles that result in zero waste.

Buy Products in Bulk 

Typically, when you purchase products in large quantities or bulk, there's less packaging than when you purchase single items. Plus, you're also likely to save money by purchasing in bulk.

Say Goodbye to Paper Towels

You can't reuse paper towels and they are all too easy to grab when there's a spill or mess that needs cleaning up in the house but they are terribly wasteful. Instead, use dish towels and cloths that can be washed and used again.

What are some of your favorite ways to reduce your carbon footprint? Are there any reusable items or products that you can't live without? We'd love to hear some of your ideas in the comments section below.