When you want to build an eco-friendly business, there are several things you can do to help yourself and your community. You should be aware of how the winds are changing in the business world. Some regions are inviting eco-centers for educational purposes. However, you don’t need to wait for your local Chamber of Commerce to make the move. Use these three tips to help your business grow and become the eco-friendly hub you know it can be.

Check out Custom Earth Promos to learn more about how turning your business eco-friendly is easier than ever. Promotional products, custom bags, reusable items, and more are available.

Eco-Friendly Business Tip #1: Improved Waste Handling

When you want to build your business in the eco-friendly style, you want to handle waste wisely. On the one hand, yes, you need to go with recycled and reusable products (more on that in a moment.) However, an eco-friendly business should also separate waste, recycle, and follow local guidelines. Leave out the appropriate wastebaskets or recycling bins for your guests. Do the same in the office or back halls.

You must also use the recycling tips offered by the local government. Many are going to single stream recycling. That means no more styrofoam or lose plastic bags in the can—they go in the trash. These little things make waste handling better.

Eco-Friendly Tip #2: Use Less Energy

Use less energy because it just makes sense for your wallet. Yes, an eco-friendly business is cheaper to run. Use timers for lights, motion activated sinks in the bathroom, refine your processes to use less energy, and even install solar panels if you can.

Using less energy reduces your operating expenses, but it also ensures that you aren’t spending all your time trying to save energy. If you have to go around turning off lights, sinks, and such, how can you manage your business? You’ll hardly feel comfortable at work if your first concern is the power bill.

Eco-Friendly Business Tip #3: No More Plastic

Drop the plastic bags, cups, utensils, etc. Go for recycled and reusable bags. You can even brand your reusable bags, hand out promotional products with the logo and contact information for your business, or sell these items at a profit. Plastic bag bans are coming. Do you want to be caught in the wake of “what do I do now?” questioning as your competitors move on seamlessly? No.