Eco-friendly gift-giving is part of a new wave of environmental consciousness. Gift waste can be a major problem because, as the holiday season settles, you have more byproducts than you have gifts. There is a way to make a change. These few suggestions will make your life simpler—and a little cleaner. You can learn more about it here.

Check out Custom Earth Promos for promotional products, reusable bags, and other accessories.

What Are Eco-Friendly Gifts?

According to a recent report, Americans will increase their trash generation by 25% over the holiday season. That comes out to one million tons of extra trash every week between Thanksgiving and the new year. However, there is a way out of this vicious cycle.

Yes, wrapping paper is on the “naughty list”, but it can at least be recycled if it stays crumpled up and goes to the recycling bin. If you’re packing those items into paper bags, recycle them, too. If you are using plastic bags, step up to recycled and reusable bags.

Gifts Wrapped in Cloth

Gifts wrapped in cloth are part of the Furoshiki craze. Marie Kondo is a proponent of cleaning up your lifestyle and only retaining items that spark joy. Her philosophy is both clean and managable. Take a look at the furoshiki trends online with a simple search. If you prefer, you can learn more here.

Order Today

Aside from making a change to your wrapping habits, you can order reusable bags and accessories today. They make it easy to change the way you approach the holiday season and reduce consumption. If you make some changes this year, you might inspire your friends and family to do their part in the future. If you own a business, you can try reusable products instead of defaulting to paper or plastic.