Pests are troublesome, annoying, and destructive. They have a common intent which is to cause a nuisance to homes, farms, and the environment at large. No one invites them but they always find a way to get in and cause havoc This is why we never hesitate to chase them or control them immediately, especially through eco-friendly pest control methods.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Over time, the world has settled and relied on a customary method of controlling pests. Through the use of pesticides, unfortunately, the use of pesticides comes with more harm than good. Environmental issues linked to pesticides have prompted the use of eco-friendly pest control methods that are effective and less harmful to the environment.

An IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report by hundreds of leading scientists across the world stated that greenhouse gas emissions generated by human activity have increased since 2010. Similarly, the United Nations (UN) report on climate change is a clarion call to everyone to save our planet. Right now, everyone on the planet has to work together to reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees.

One way of achieving this is to substitute the use of environmentally hostile pesticides for eco-friendly pest control methods.

This blog is challenging individuals and pest control companies to consider the use of eco-friendly pest control methods and switch from synthetic pesticides to natural pest control where and when appropriate.

Eco-friendly methods to deal with pests:

1. Baking Soda

This is an affordable and convenient means of dealing with pests Baking soda is a useful substance. This substance can be found in toothpaste and household cleaning products. It is also a non-toxic means of controlling and eradicating pests. Baking soda is a perfect alternative to synthetic pesticides if you want to eliminate aphids, rats, or cockroaches.

When baking soda is ingested by pests, baking soda combines with fluids in pests' stomachs and emits gas which is enough to kill them when emitted in large amounts. 

Note that baking soda could be extremely dangerous to your pets so, ensure that your pets do not get to the infected area where you are going to apply baking soda. 

If you need more information or require clarity ensure you contact a pest controller for professional advice.

2. Microbial Insecticides

Synthetic or traditional pesticides are difficult to control, they could cause severe damage to other animal species and a wide range of insects Thereby, causing more havoc than the initial problem. A solution to this problem is to opt for microbial insecticides. 

Microbial insecticides consist of microorganisms that target certain insects. When applied, the targeted insects or pests would fall sick, then die. An example of microbial insecticide is Bacillus thuringiensis which is popularly called ‘Bt’.

3. Proofing

Proofing is an eco-friendly method to control larger pests like rats or mice. If you notice rats or mice infestation, we advise you to contact a professional pest controller to proof your property. Your home air vents, attic spaces, and drain pipes could be modified with materials to stop or prevent pests.

Using any of the eco-friendly methods above can help to control or eliminate pests, these methods also promote a better and healthier ecosystem

We advise you to contact a pest controller to help you with a suitable means to keep your home free from pests.