Gains of a Healthy Ecosystem
Photo by A n v e s h on Unsplash

Do you know the state of Health of the Ecosystem subtly but emphatically alters your activities and lifestyle either positively or negatively?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "The atmosphere, fertile soils, freshwater resources, the oceans, and the ecosystems they support, play a key role in providing humans with shelter, food, safe water, and the capacity to recycle most wastes.". 

 To identify these gains, it is important to know the gain producers. We can identify the gains of a healthy ecosystem they produce for us in the environment and then, ensure they are protected. This article focuses on just one example of gain producers. These gains are as follows:

Health Benefits

Research shows that staying around trees for a while reduces one's blood pressure and dissipates every stress that might have been prior to interactions with the green components.

Also, it is a fact that 70,000 plant Species are utilized for traditional medicine. However, modern medicine is not exempted from the use of plants. These statistics show that many people, particularly in rural settings, depend on plants to maintain their health.

Minimizing Global Warming

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, slowing the global warming rate. It is estimated that trees can reduce the temperature in a city by 7%. Also, trees serve as windbreaks to heavy wind and storms which could demolish entities or disrupt activities in fact. The trees prevent disruption

Provision of Shade and Shelter

The canopies of trees provide shade from the sun's rays and other radiation. Trees also absorb various air pollutants and reduce noise. An individual tree is said to remove 1.7 kilos of pollutants every year.

The trees also serve as shelter for quite a number of wildlife. For example, a mature oak tree is said to have the capacity to host 500 species.

Mental Satisfaction

Another gain these green beauties produce is the mental satisfaction they give to us. Have you ever looked at the green plains and smiled at their beautiful arrays and collection? Or how do you feel when you visit parks and just sit, enjoying the fresh and cool breeze these entities bless us with? Oh, what a calm feeling and atmosphere it gives.

Additionally, it serves as a source of inspiration for quite a number of people. Just take moments to gaze at nature, and ideas start popping up. Mentally, trees and plants provide us with subtle but important gains.

In conclusion, plants and trees contribute to the health of the environment, producing gains such as medicine, windbreaks, shades, etc for us as inhabitants of the environment. With this understanding, what to do as beneficiaries of this gain producers are to actively and intentionally see to the pruning and protection and increased planting of trees and plants. Protect your Earth, protect the Greenery!