go green with your dorm room

College life is a world of its own, and while many things differ, one notion is constant: the need to go green. Many matters are arising in our world today, with climate change being one of them. Hence, it is not surprising when sustainability also becomes important for individual students. While you already know what sustainability means, sustainable living day in and day out may require a little guidance, and we are here to help you with that. 

How to Go Green With My Dorm Room?

Have you ever wondered how you can green your dorm room? Have you asked incessantly, "How can I make my dorm more sustainable?" Worry no more. We are here to assist you with simple steps you can take to green your dorm room. These tips are actually beneficial to you as a student and also impact the environment positively. They are as follows:

  1. Recycle

One significant way to uphold sustainability in your daily lifestyle is through recycling. By recycling every day, you help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and also help conserve resources. Most schools will provide recycling bins, so do well to use them. Take your time to sort trash in trash rooms as well, and you are on your way to sustainable living


When it comes to laundry, there are three simple ways to go green. First, avoid multiple loads of laundry; only do full loads of laundry to avoid using too much water. More so, if the clothes you want to wash do not require warm water, use only cold water. Finally, choose to air dry them rather than put them in the dryer.  

Stock up on Reusables

As tempting as disposable products are, they are not as beneficial as their reusable counterparts. Other than the fact that you'd be able to save a couple of bucks by making your purchase, you can also get these reusable products. At Custom Earth Promos, we have custom-made to reflect your preferred art and personal taste. 

Some of the reusable items you should consider buying are water bottles, coffee mugs, face masks, cutlery, and reusable grocery bags. This way, you can reduce your single-use waste. 

Shop locally

Shopping locally implies waiting to make purchases of all essentials in or around your school environment. This way, you avoid wasting your effort, time, and money on shipping your dorm supplies to your college town. Be assured that you'll have big box shops around you where you can get everything you need. This way, you avoid creating a large carbon footprint. Shop at Custom Earth Promos for your products.

Switch off and unplug everything not in use

By now, you should have this tattooed on your memory. Whenever a bulb or socket is not in use, it is best to switch them off to reduce the waste of electricity. Also, pay attention to any appliances that aren't in use and unplug them as soon as you notice them.

Final thoughts

Going green in your dorm room takes effort but is really as simple as they come. All you need to do is make one or two changes and watch how you'll feel more fulfilled, save yourself from unnecessary expenses, and help protect our beloved planet.