Wool has often been seen as the original eco-friendly fabric. The sheep live in the field, enjoy their days, and they need to be sheered to stay healthy. This was often the thought, but is it true? You can learn how natural and synthetic wool producers are tackling the issue here. If you’ve never considered the subject before, remember that there is an alternative for everything, even your shopping bags, backpacks, and totes.

Check out Custom Earth Promos to learn more about reusable bags, accessories, and much more.

Is Wool Sustainable?

A recent report notes that there is, in fact, “nothing sustainable” about the fabric. If you want to see more, you can go here. In short, the new report notes that wool can actually cause a loss of biodiversity. The Center for Biological Diversity and Collective Fashion Justice generated a report from the CIRCUMFAUNA initiative. It notes that the wool industry has been less than forthcoming about the impact of its products.

Stephanie Feldstein is the director of the Center and co-authored the report. She said, “the industry has been pulling the wool over our eyes for decades, claiming that wool is a sustainable fiber. Wool clothing comes with a heavy price tag of greenhouse gas emissions, land use, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Nothing about wool is sustainable.”

The Cost of Wool

When studies such as these are released, they often talk about the “cost” of producing—anything. The envirionmental cost of wool was a big subject of this most recent report. In fact, it appears that the environmental “cost” of wool is three-times greater than that of acrylic.

Emma Hakansson, Founding Director of the Center, said, “Sheep grazing pasture land may seem innocent and natural, but sheep are introduced, bred and eventually slaughtered while the grazed lands are degraded and prevented from thriving. There’s nothing natural about this inefficient, unsustainable and exploitative industry.”

Look for Alternatives

This means that we need to look into alternatives if we want to do the right thing. You can even advertise how the impact of certain natural fibers makes it unhealthy for you to offer them. Instead of just making the change, explain those changes to your customers.

Order Today

As you hunt for alternatives, remember that there are beautiful cotton totes, jute bags, and recycled options for every family or business. Look at an option for your business that also gives you marketing potential. Invest in something that gives back to the community. Plus, sell reusable bags before plastic bag bans hit your area. Making the change now ensures that you’re ready for the future.