Keeping in mind the increasing need to propagate organic lifestyles among people, MOSES is organizing its annual conference on organic agriculture in La Crosse this year. This conference is called the 24th Annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference. It is scheduled to take place in the month of February, and will cover significant aspects of organic agriculture. The conference is open to all individuals or organizations who are interested in this field.

A Conference Focused on Organic Agriculture

In all the years during which this conference has taken place, it has been the largest event for all organic producers and professionals associated with this industry. This year's conference is expected to have around 70 workshops. Before the conference, the organizers are also planning on having a pre-conference on the Organic University courses. This pre-conference is expected to last for a period of 10 days so that the participants get a detailed idea about the various courses that the university offers. In addition to this, the conference is scheduled to have around 170 trade show exhibitors.

During the conference, many well-known speakers as well as movie makers are expected to share their views on organic agriculture and its scope. The keynote speakers for this year's conference are both filmmakers, Joshua Kunau and Jeremy Seifert. Both these filmmakers are going to have a detailed discussion on their movie “GMO OMG” during the conference. This movie is based on the filmmakers' conversations with various farmers in the country. They have compiled their personal experiences in this movie. This movie represents what both of these filmmakers have learned from experts, seed sellers, and farmers on the subject of modified seeds.

In addition to this, Carmen Fernholz will also share her views on the roles that consumers and producers play in the organic food industry, at the conference. She will talk about the organic sector in detail, and explain how its structure impacts its growth.

Encouraging Eco-Friendly Promotional Items at the Conference

Apart from the keynote speakers, the conference will have many new and enthusiastic farmers who will share their views on organic agriculture and eco friendly promotional items. The conference has a New Organic Stewards program which will educate young farmers on the seeds they can use and give them an idea about the success of organic products as well. Furthermore, the conference will have a research forum that will discuss the present organic farming practices.
