Being eco-friendly and practicing sustainable methods is simple which is why we've decided to go back to the basics and focus on three simple, eco-friendly steps that anyone can master: reduce, reuse, recyle. 


Cut down your water use. From showering to brushing your teeth and watering the lawn, if you aren't using the water, turn it off. When it comes to laundry, wash your clothes in cold water (it saves energy) and only put on full loads. Lastly, drink tap water instead of bottled water.

Reduce Unnecessary Purchases. Before you buy a product or piece of clothing, ask yourself the following questions: do you really need it? What materials were used to make it? Where did it come from? Was it ethically sourced? If it's fast fashion or a product that will soon be disposed of and will inevitably end up in the landfill, think twice before purchasing it. Consider the impact it will have on the environment (and your bank account).


Ditch Single-Use Coffee Cups and Stirrers. Americans throw away a staggering 138 billion coffee stirrers and 25 billion styrofoam coffee cups every year simply because they can't be bothered to reuse spoons and coffee mugs. In fact, if you buy just one cup of coffee or tea in a disposable cup every day, you'll end up creating about 23 lbs of waste in one year, according to Therefore, make the simple switch from disposable coffee cups and stirrers to reusable ones.

Use Reusable Bags. Most stores now offer alternative options to plastic bags such as reusable bags. But instead of buying a new reusable bag every time you go to the store, BYOB (bring your own bag) with you. This simple action will help prevent millions of plastic bags from ending up in our oceans and landfills each year.


Recycle everything. Recycling plastic, paper, and cardboard should come second-nature to you by now. When throwing away anything else, ask yourself, "Can this be recycled?" If you're unsure, simply Google it or ask a friend. You might be surprised by some of the bigger items that can be recycled: cars, phones, laptops, CDs, ink jet cartridges, compact fluorescent bulbs, batteries, and so forth.


Do you have any simple eco-friendly tips on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle? If so, then spread the word! Share them with us in the comments section below.