Many would argue that writing a letter is a lost art. Some see it as antiquated or archaic given the convenience, and immediacy of electronic communication. It is for this very reason that over the past few months, I have made a concerted effort to return to hand writing letters, as I feel that they possesses a degree of sincerity and purposefulness that cannot be found in an email or a text. Sitting down with a pen and a piece of paper removes all distractions that come between you and the person that you are corresponding with, and makes you focus wholly on what you want to convey to them. Some of the responses I've received have been among the most meaningful conversations I've had recently, and I would encourage anyone who is debating it to take the plunge and set aside some time to write a letter. If you are lucky, they will respond in turn with a hand written letter of their own, and you may find it adds a new dimension to the relationship.

Send an Eco-Friendly Seed Paper Sheet Birthday Letter!

Custom Earth Promos offers an array of seed paper sheets in many colors, all of which are constructed out of 100% recycled material. All the sheets are infused with wildflower fix, which adds a distinctive texture and feel to the paper that gives it an unparalleled uniqueness. Using seed paper sheets for your letters is a fun way to get your point across, all of which is done using eco friendly ink. Consider using seed paper sheets for kick starting your own letter writing, and you are sure to be surprised by the responses you'll receive. For my own uses, I've found that it adds a playful element to the entire process, and even provides more visual emphasis to the words you write.