Shopping With Sustainability
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Daily, we purchase different products. It could be a gadget, snack, or even a bag to keep some products purchased. It is important to do shopping with sustainability in mind. Knowing that through our shopping habits, we can contribute to preserving our climate. This article is written to help you with eco-friendly shopping tips to bear in mind.

Go With Your Reusable Bag 

Any purchase made must be packaged in a bag. However, not all shopping bags are eco-friendly. For example, plastic bags, mostly used just once, take 1000 years to degrade in a landfill. And this doesn't even disintegrate completely but become microplastic toxins and continues to pollute the environment. 

As an alternative to plastic shopping bags, polypropylene shopping bags, polyester bags, and paper bags can be used to purchase products as they can be reusable, which in turn lessens the rate of waste in landfill. In need of any of these bags, you can purchase them from our website.  We are an eco-friendly promotional product company. So, when next you're going shopping, get reusable bags to package all purchases made.

Patronize Eco-Friendly Brands

Even if you don't know so much about eco-friendly products, just shopping at an eco-friendly store implies that all products sold in the store are eco-friendly. Some stores even have an enlightenment room which could be through their blogs and website which is aimed at keeping you informed on how to be eco-friendly. You just need to locate such stores, such as an online or a physical store. An example of such an eco-friendly brand is Custom Earth Promos, where eco-friendly products can be purchased on our website.  Also, you get to learn more about how to be eco-friendly through our blog posts. 

Buy Only What You Need

99% of what we buy is in trash cans within the first six months of purchase. Using fast fashion waste as a case study, in America, new clothing waste has jumped from 7 million to 14 million tons over the past 20 years. This takes 200 years to decompose in landfills. Also, a lot of these wastes are the result of impulsive buying. Not buying what is needed at the time leads to disposal, and then the cycle of new purchases is made again and disposed of. It doesn't have to continue this way. In addition, Strictly prioritizing needs and wants can be a way to salvage impulse buying. We can also reuse or recycle products. We have to get new products.


What we shop for and with whom we shop tell about our environment. It's imperative to shop with a reusable bag at an eco-friendly Store, just what you need at a time to be a part of our environmental health. It doesn't cost much. Just visit Custom Earth Promos, and you'll be just on track to shopping with sustainability in mind.