Starting a school wide recycling club is an excellent way to teach children about the importance of keeping our planet clean and healthy. It's also a great way for parents to get involved with their children's school curriculum. With a little bit of research and due diligence, a school sponsored recycling club can go a long way to teach the importance of recycling. There are a few things you will need to do to get started with your program.

Go Green This School Year by Starting a Recycling Club

First of all, decide who your recycling club president is going to be. The recycling club president will present the club details to the school board and the principal to get their permission to carry out the club activities. Generally, because recycling issues can be covered in science class, science teachers are often great leaders of recycling clubs. The leader can present what important curriculum topics will be covered throughout the year and get the school board, the principal and the janitorial staff included in the program so they can lend their support school wide.

Secondly, work with the city to find out how your recycled products can be picked up, and how many containers you can get. Quite possibly, your school can be added to their pick up route if your city has a recycling program. Typically, one container per classroom is sufficient or just one school wide depository. If the city can not pick up your recycled products, you will want to make a plan as to how the recycled items will be transported and a drop-off schedule. Parent volunteers can be great resources!

Third, you will want to make a plan to advertise your program. If you are starting this program at the beginning of the year, the first week of school is a great time to start good recycling habits. It's also a great time to send letters home to parents explaining the program so that they can help where they can. If the recycling program is going to be focused on recycling plastic, asking parents to purchase their children reusable tote bags to bring their lunches to school in is a great beginning. Wrapping sandwiches and fruit in Tupperware rather than plastic baggies is another great teaching tool about using recyclable products as well as teaching the importance of remembering to bring their lunch totes back home.

Reusable bags generally go over big with students because there are so many different styles to choose from! You can also extend the use of reusable tote bags to do your grocery shopping in and decline the plastic bags given at check out. Just make sure you have plenty of recyclable shopping bags in your car too for those spur of the moment shopping trips.

Reduce your School's Carbon Footprint at the Recycling Club

Lastly, make the recycling club fun! Maybe some recycling goals can be established, and when the school reaches those goals, an ice cream day can be enjoyed at lunch time. Invite the press to your school to cover your club's successes, and encourage other schools to start their own recycling club. Teaching good habits to young children is good for our community, and may produce more scientists!