Natural colored paper bags give an eco-friendly look to any checkout. Whilst paper bags fit the aesthetic many sustainable stores are after, they’re not the best option if your business is truly trying to go green. Washable paper bags offer an eco-friendly alternative. As they’re more durable than standard paper bags, washable paper bags are reusable. This means a reduction in the number of paper bags manufactured, and a better user experience overall.

The problem with paper bags

With many states banning single-use plastic bags, paper bags have risen in popularity. Whilst the environmental damage caused by plastic bags is now general knowledge, many people are still unaware that paper bags aren’t the greenest option.

It's easy to recycle paper bags, which is a massive bonus that single-use plastics don’t offer. However, this doesn’t solve all of the environmental issues surrounding shopping bags. Washable paper bags may just be the compromise we need to steer away from plastic whilst being more environmentally responsible.

Manufacturing is environmentally costly

Trees used for paper bags are a renewable resource, which immediately puts them a step above oil-sourced plastics. However, these trees have valuable qualities that the earth needs to survive. Trees turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, which we not only need to breathe but also reduces the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Whilst sustainable tree farming and harvesting practices are now common, we should still be cautious about our use of this resource. Each day consumers use millions of paper bags, which require the cutting down of millions of trees each year.

Manufacturing standard paper bags requires 4x more energy than plastic bags. Non-renewable resources such as oil and gas often fuel this energy. What’s more, the process uses harmful chemicals that can damage the earth around factories.

Where paper bags are typically only good for one use, this means more manufacturing is required. Switching to washable paper bags gives increased durability and reduces the demand for manufacturing of paper bags.

Many paper bags end up in landfill

Just because paper bags are easily recycled doesn’t mean everyone recycles them. When paper bags end up in landfill, they take up more space than plastic bags, increasing pollution of our planet. Paper bags also take a long time to biodegrade, and still create methane (a greenhouse gas) as they break down.

Choosing a washable paper bag reduces the number of paper bags that end up in landfill, as they can be used repeatedly over time.

Standard paper bags aren’t a viable long-term promo tool

We’ve all experienced the handle of a paper bag breaking on the way out of the store. It’s also a real problem when paper bags become wet from condensation on cold groceries or if it starts to rain. Standard paper bags rip and tear easily. Many people throw them away after only one use.

If your company decides to spend on a customized promotional bag, you want to get a good return on your investment. Custom washable paper bags allow your brand to be advertised for longer as consumers reuse them. Made from a thicker paper material, or even sometimes lined with a sustainable fabric, washable paper bags are incredibly durable. Any spills are easily washed off, and the bags still look great once they’ve dried again. Even better, your brand will spend less on restocking, saving you money in the long run.

Why washable paper bags are the better option

To summarize, washable paper bags offer a great compromise for those who want to keep the natural look of paper bags in their stores but would like to be as sustainable as possible. Here are the key reasons:

  • Reduced need for manufacturing = less trees cut down and fewer chemicals used
  • Less bags ending up in landfill = reduced land pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Sturdier bags = better customer experience
  • Less money spent on restocking custom paper bags, and a durable advertising tool that can be taken anywhere