food wastage - custom earth promos
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Roughly one-third of the food produced that is intended for human consumption every year- around 1.3 billion tons and valued at USD$1 trillion- is wasted or lost. This is enough to feed 3 billion people.  It is also proven that in all the resources used to grow food, food wastage is up to 21% of freshwater, 19% of fertilizers, 18% of cropland, and 21% of landfill volume

Considering these statistics, it's agreeable that Food waste is a big deal that has to be tackled to protect the environment and the economy and even lessen the number of hungry or malnourished people. In light of this, this article explains a few ways to prevent food wastage, which are highlighted below.

Buy And Cook Only What You Need To Per Time

This cannot be overemphasized. Every household should adopt a strict meal routine to prevent food waste or reduce it to the nearest minimum. Impulse buying should be strictly disallowed as well. Whenever you purchase something you don't exactly need at the time, it doesn't seem so useful, which most likely will be tossed into the waste bin after a short while, as statistics put it that 99% of what we buy ends up in the trash can within 6 months of purchase.

Use The Right Shopping Bag For Different Products

Using just any shopping bag to package products like refrigerated fish, meat, or other products is very likely to cause them to lose their freshness. This is a cause of food wastage because many people do not like to eat ugly foods. To remedy this, Reusable Insulated Bags can be used to package wet products to maintain their freshness until one is ready to use them. Get more bags at Custom Earth Promos.

Embrace Composting

Perhaps there are times when food waste will be unavoidable. It can, however, be useful. Having a garden in a household is not a bad idea, as organic food is assured. Leftovers can be used as fertilizers for the plants in the garden, which is chemical-free, thereby ensuring healthy food is produced from the garden. Using leftovers as compost is a way to prevent food wastage.

Share With Others

Considering that one-third of the food meant for human consumption annually is wasted, which can feed 3 billion people. This suggests that many households have more than enough to share with those hungry. Instead of trashing healthy food because you are full or do not need them anymore, you can share. You're being an Earth Hero and spreading love to your fellow humans, which will not be forgotten.

In Conclusion, say no to food waste. More food? Share it! Keep your food fresh and your planet green.