Eco Blog

Eco-friendly News and Updates by Custom Earth Promos

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Rebound: How Your Business Can Help Turn the Tide

    Reduce, Reuse, Rebound: How Your Business Can Help Turn the Tide

    We have all, by now, probably seen a picture of a sea turtle choking on a plastic bag. There are even more reasons against single-use plastics, and green consumers still have a long way to go in terms of educating our peers about how to reuse items. There are plenty of people who have written reusable […]

  2. Consider Using Recycled Shopping Bags for Giveaways

    Consider Using Recycled Shopping Bags for Giveaways

    Recycled promotional shopping bags are ideal for giveaways to employees and at company events. There are a variety designs available to satisfy the needs of most occasions. Companies also have multiple options for use of these bags, such as at promotional events for attendees, to employees for everyday use and to deliver donated goods to […]

  3. South Lake Tahoe Embraces Reusable Non-Woven Bags

    South Lake Tahoe Embraces Reusable Non-Woven Bags

    Perhaps all the plastic bag bans being implemented by a number of cities in the United States have also influenced South Lake Tahoe. The city thinks it is time to say goodbye to the non-biodegradable plastic bags and make way for reusable and recycled bags instead. More Reusable Non-Woven Bags in South Lake Tahoe The […]

  4. Custom Recycled Bags: A Smart Choice for the Eco-Friendly Shopper

    Custom Recycled Bags: A Smart Choice for the Eco-Friendly Shopper

    Custom recycled bags are becoming more popular for the savvy and eco-friendly shopper. The bags are made out of recycled products such as soda bottles, post consumer products, and post industrial materials. They can be reused time and time again, saving on the costs and waste of countless plastic bags. When you buy custom recycled shopping […]

  5. ‘Real Food Week' to Promote Organic Food in University of Wisconsin

    ‘Real Food Week' to Promote Organic Food in University of Wisconsin

    Slow Food International by University of Wisconsin recently hosted a ‘Real Food Week’ to educate students about clean and fair organic food. The food week was smartly scheduled around October 24 which is celebrated as the National Food Day. One of the members of Slow Food International, Paige Kelly, said that the program was designed […]

  6. Going Green While Going Shopping

    Going Green While Going Shopping

    With an increased awareness of our precious planet, more and more people are looking for ways to “go green.” But going green doesn’t mean always having to make sacrifices. In many instances, it simply means an adjustment or shifting of trends. The millions upon millions of plastic bags used to hold grocery and other shopping […]

  7. New Eco-Friendly Marijuana Therapeutic Dispensary for Pittsfield

    New Eco-Friendly Marijuana Therapeutic Dispensary for Pittsfield

    Pittsfield had to wait for a long time to see the finalization of the regulation which talks about the limited medical marijuana use. Though the vote in this matter was taken last year, the city had to wait for the final word on the law by Department of Public Health, which gave its approval recently. […]

  8. Why San Diego Should Choose Non-Woven Grocery Bags Over Plastic Bags

    Why San Diego Should Choose Non-Woven Grocery Bags Over Plastic Bags

    Residents of San Diego are worried about the litter created by plastic bags in the city. A recent report given out by Equinox Center, which is based in Encinitas, found out that around 500 million plastic bags are being used in the city every year. The report also revealed that around 95% of these bags […]

  9. Time to Use Green Shopping Bags in Pittsburg

    Time to Use Green Shopping Bags in Pittsburg

    Pittsburg’s long wait of going plastic free will finally be coming true. The City Council recently had a meeting where it approved the proposal which talks about ban on one-time use plastic bags in the city. Taking into consideration the objections on plastic bags by Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, the council voted 5-0 giving a […]

  10. Reasons that Explain Why Organic Food is Better

    Reasons that Explain Why Organic Food is Better

    Many people are still confused about following a greener and sustainable lifestyle by opting for organic food. While most don’t understand the difference between organic and traditional food items, others give up on organic food as it is comparatively costlier than its counterpart. If you too are a little perplexed about why exactly to opt […]

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